ruby javascript

Getting Started

Include our scripts on your site with script/link tags or download the files and save them locally.

<!-- Load CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="">

<!-- Load JS -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Embed Workflow Mountable App -->
<div class="EWF__app" data-base-path="workflows"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  EWF.load("pk_live_12345", { userToken: "CLIENT_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN" });
  // or
  EWF.load("pk_live_12345", { jwt: "JWT" });

ewf-XXXX.js adds the global EWF object so you can load your Embed Workflow Containers.

You will need to .load with your a publishable key along with either a jwt or a client authorization token.


A JSON Web Token can be used to gain access to Embed Workflow UI Components. Generate the JWT on your server and use it when you load your UI.

sub, iat, and exp are all required in the JWT payload.

Optional fields are discover, email and user_data.

Your secret (sk_live_****) is found in your account settings.

const secret = "sk_live_12345"
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
const currentTime = Math.floor( / 1000);
const payload = {
  sub: "user-1234", // <---- Your unique user id
  iat: currentTime,
  exp: currentTime + 3600,
  discover: true, // <--- this tells EW to auto discover users (creating users on the fly).
  email: "",  // <---- Replace this
  user_data: {
    list_options_example: "123:New York, 456:Florida, 789:Texas",
    slack_user_id: "U543212345",
    foo: "bar",

const token = jwt.sign(payload, secret, { algorithm: "HS256" });
current_time =
exp = current_time + 3600
payload = {
  sub: 'user-1234', # <---- Your unique user id
  exp: exp,
  iat: current_time,
  discover: true, # <--- this tells EW to auto discover users (creating users on the fly).
  email: "", # <---- Replace this
  user_data: {
    list_options_example: "123:New York, 456:Florida, 789:Texas",
    slack_user_id: "U543212345",
    foo: "bar",

token = JWT.encode payload, "sk_live_12345", "HS256"
puts token

Client Authorization Token

The client authorization token will grant you access to the Embed Workflow UI Components. First, you will need to generate a client token on your server. These tokens are short lived and expire every 48 hours (default & configurable).

Generating the Token

Generating the client token is easy. You can use one of our server side SDK's or hit the API directly. To reduce latency, cache the token but for no longer than the token's life span (default: 48 hours).

const raw = JSON.stringify({ "key": "main" });

const options = {
  method: "POST",
  headers: { Authorization: "Bearer sk_live_12345" },
  body: raw,

fetch("", options)
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((response) => {
    console.log("client auth token = ", response.user_token)
require "uri"
require "net/http"

uri = URI("")
req =
req["Authorization"] = "Bearer sk_live_12345"
req.body = "{\"key\":\"main\"}"

res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) { |http| http.request(req) }

token = JSON.parse(res.body)["user_token"]
puts token

Customize CSS

You can configure the primary color by setting the global CSS --ewf-color-primary. It must be RGB.

body {
  --ewf-color-primary: 99, 102, 241;

You can also target each element by it's class name .EWF__app.

Embed It

Our mountable app will make the workflow builder, execution viewer, and logs available to your end-users.

<div class="EWF__app" data-base-path="workflows"></div>

Make sure that your app's routing will handle your configured base-path.


If you are running into issues - we want to hear about it. Please reach out to us by email ( Additionally, we can invite you and your team to our Slack for fastest support.

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No risk and easy to implement.

Sign Up today, schedule a demo, or send us an email at